Monday, November 20, 2006

Teenage Drivers: A Parents Nightmare

A drivers license is one of the first signs that your son or daugther is moving from childhood towards adulthood (Photo Copyright of Mike Rizzo, 2006) and the responsibilities that go with it. Turning your 16 year old loose with a car on Friday night is one of the scariest things a parent can do. Auto accidents can alter or at worst, end someone’s life. As a parent you want to protect your child the best you can, but you know that driving is a right of passage towards adulthood. So what can you do to help keep your young driver from being involved in an accident?
First, talk to your teenager; explain the risk and responsibilities of driving. They will be in control of a machine that could hurt, maim, of kill themselves or someone else. They need to understand this. Show your teenager photos of car crashes or better yet, take your teenager to the local junk yard or body shop so they can see a wrecked car up close. Seeing a wrecked car in person makes an impact. Ask your insurance agent for additional safe driving tips. Some insurance companies have developed safe driving videos for teen drivers to watch. You can also check with your local library.
Even though many states have special driving laws for teenagers, set your own “family” rules for teen drivers. Rules such as:

· No late night driving for the first 6 month after being licensed (length to be determined)
· No cell phone use while driving
· No more than one other passenger in the car at any one time
· Know who the passenger will be
· Radio volume must be set at a normal level
· No eating while driving
· A moving traffic violation results in the loss of driving privileges; a minimum of 90 days
· A predetermined time to return home… yes a curfew
For more information see:

You may have other family rules, but don't hesitate, talk to your teenage driver before it is too late.

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